G2P Leadership Guide
This guide was designed to give you the basic tools needed to implement and troubleshoot G2P and Saddle Up training in your church. It is not a comprehensive guide and you may have questions or issues that are not addressed here. If so, don’t despair.
The only way to do G2P right is to move through the steps one by one. It takes most churches 6-12 months to prepare for the launch of G2P. Remember, you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.
There are numerous helps available here online and the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches has a team of experienced pastors available to help you work through difficult issues. Don’t hesitate to call on us. We are here to help.
Leadership Guide Complete
You have completed the G2P Leadership Guide Videos. The next step is to go through the Saddle Up booklet & videos.
Start Saddle Up