Position Opportunities

The Cowboy Churches listed below are in search of Godly servants who are connected with and knowledgeable of the western heritage culture, to serve as their Pastor, Youth Pastor or other positions.

Find Your Calling

The Churches below are seeking God’s guidance in the selection process, but are praying to fill this position in a timely manner. All interested and qualified candidates should contact the churches directly by the contact information provided below.

If your church would like to announce an opening for a Pastor or other ministry team member on this list, please click the button below to fill out the form:

Open Cowboy Church Positions

Double N Cowboy Church Youth Pastor
7202 East St Hwy 6, Dublin, TX, 76446 254-445-2400

Contact: Jimmy Holleman - (254)445-2400

Open Range Cowboy Church of Meeker Bi-Vocational Pastor
P.O. Box 1024, Meeker, CO 81641, , , 417-399-8942

Contact D Stoltzfus by phone or Gerry LaBonte by email: 417-399-8942, gerlab47@gmail.com

Branded Cross Cowboy Church Pastor
PO Box 861, Springtown, TX, 76082 817-755-7021
Windmill Cowboy Church Bi-Vocational Pastor
PO Box 2401, Deming, NM, 88030 575-644-4932

Contact Wade Worrell 575-644-4932

Chisum Trails Cowboy Church Pastor
3575 FM 2648, Powderly, TX, 75473 352-258-4730

Contact Jamie Baker, Elder at 352-258-4730

Saltgrass Cowboy Church Bi-Vocational Pastor
PO Box 857, Santa Fe, TX, 77510 815-919-4482

Contact Glenn Dobson at 815-919-4482.

Caney Creek Cowboy Church of Van Zandt Bi-Vocational Youth Pastor
PO Box 633, Grand Saline, TX, 75140 903-330-9972

Email Tammie Havard

Cowboy Bunkhouse Ministries Bi-Vocational Pastor
PO Box 399, Clayton, NM, 88415 505-670-8574

Contact Gordon Runer at: 505-670-8574. (text or email)

Happy Trails Cowboy Church Bi-Vocational Youth Leader
1017 CR 1024, Glen Rose, TX, 76043 432-360-9200

Contact JJ Jennings

River Crossing Cowboy Church P/T College Ministry Leader & Audio Visual Coordinator
PO Box 2411, Marshall, TX, 75671 903-241-5530
Denton County Cowboy Church Associate Pastor of Arena Ministries
400 Robinson Road, Ponder, TX, 76259 940-479-2043

The Associate Pastor’s primary duty is to assist the Senior Pastor, give vision and direction to the Arena Ministry and aid the Arena Team with events. The Associate Pastor will do this through overseeing teams and helping those team leaders identify and develop volunteers. This person will also share general pastoral and administrative duties that arise and will need developed skills in teaching, preaching, developing leaders (making disciples) and pastoral counseling. Full Time Position

Wood County Cowboy Church Pastor
3435 FM 2088, Quitman, TX, 75783 9037907892

Wood County Cowboy Church is seeking a full-time pastor to lead our congregation. Applications can be submitted through our church website or on this link: https://www.w3ctx.org/apply

Red River Cowboy Church Pastor (Full-Time or Bi-Vocational)
7644 Hwy 1, Coushatta, LA, 71019 337-296-4903

Overview of Pastor Duties Red River Cowboy Church (RRCC) believes God already has a plan and a Pastor for us. Our responsibility is to remain in his will. We believe the Pastor deserves the full support of the church body and that it is reasonability of the church body to work with and assists the Pastor in his ministry roles. We are seeking a full time Pastor and welcomes those who would wish to serve as a Bi-Vocational Pastor. The full time Pastors position salary is well within the standard range established for churches of this size. Full Time Pastor – A full time Pastor would coordinate weekly worship service, preach God's word at the weekly worship service, teach Wednesday night men’s class, minister to the spiritual needs of the congregation, attend and/or participate in the majority of church and arena events, facilitate the monthly leadership team meeting, direct the Lay Pastors, administer the Scriptural Ordinances, carry out the vision of the church’s constitutional mission statement, and serve as the Lead Elder. Members of the Elder Body agree to submit to the spiritual accountability of the elder body which consist of no less than two and no more than four individuals who serve with the Pastor. Bi-Vocational – If Bi-vocational, the preferred minimum duties would include, preach God's word at the weekly worship service, minister to the spiritual needs of the congregation, attend and/or participate in major church/arena events, administer the Scriptural Ordinances, carry out the vision of the church’s constitutional mission statement, and serve as the Lead Elder. Members of the Elder Body agree to submit to the spiritual accountability of the elder body which consist of no less than two and no more than four individuals who serve with the Pastor.