G2P Leadership Guide
Most cowboy churches operate using ministry teams. These teams are groups of people that carry out specific ministries for the church. For example, many cowboy churches have an Arena Team. This team is made up of individuals experienced in arena events who are empowered by the church to operate the arena.
Because teams carry out the ministry of the church, it is vital to have policies in place about who can serve on a team and in what capacity. For instance, can non-members serve on a team? Can they lead a team? What about cohabitating couples? These are questions that need to be answered to avoid trouble down the road.
Once these policies are in place, your church will need to have some means of screening potential volunteers to ensure they are qualified to serve.
Screening potential team members can be as simple as getting to know a person and asking them to serve. In the very early days, this may be the best you can do.
However, to keep your church safe it is wise to consider asking potential workers to complete an application and background check, particularly if they will be working with children. This does not need to be expensive or complex. Numerous generic forms are available online and there are several inexpensive resources such as PublicData.com for performing background checks.
A huge advantage to screening is that it can help you sort people according to their spiritual gifts. The G2P Saddle Up curriculum provides a simple spiritual gifts test that can help you guide individuals to the place of service God has equipped them for.
The most important part of building quality ministry teams is having a clear process for joining teams. When this process is unclear, many people will avoid involvement rather than trying to figure out how things work in your church.
This is a common issue that G2P can help you address. Since the G2P Saddle Up course is designed to help members discover their spiritual gifts and explore possible places of service, this makes it an ideal link between your ministries and potential workers.
There is no substitute for personal touch when it comes to connecting people to teams. Someone must help each person connect with the desired team. This can be the pastor, an elder, lay pastor or another leader, but it must happen.