G2P Leadership Guide
G2P is modeled on Acts 2:42-47.
“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.
A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity—all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” (NLT)
The early church faced many of the same challenges we face today. Many new believers were added to the church on the day of Pentecost, but they didn’t know how to live for Christ and had no deep relationships on which to build a spiritual life together.
Does this sound familiar? It should. This situation is faced by many new church plants and growing churches. The excitement of God doing something new brings people in, but most of them are limited in their biblical knowledge and lack deep spiritual relationships.
The early church solved this by regularly teaching at the temple, but also encouraging prayer, worship, and fellowship in people’s homes. This enabled believers to grow quickly in their faith and built such strong spiritual relationships that it attracted those outside the church. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.