Camp Resources

These resources are here to help you run an effective local camp with a long-lasting positive impact on your youth.

Camp Itineraries

Whether you are running a 1-day, 2-day, or 3-day camp, we have a schedule already prepared for you.

1 Day Camp

  • 9:00 Morning Hustle (Hype time to get Kids excited about the day)
  • 10:00 Clinics (See our Clinics tab below for ideas. Each Clinic should last 30-45 minutes. Have Clinics already setup before play.)
  • 12:30 Lunch (Give your lunch crew a heads up when lunch needs to be ready so they can make proper arrangements.)
  • 2:00 Clinics
  • 5:00 Ranch Hand Training (Try to get a Wrangler to come in and help with this part.)
  • 6:00 Dinner (Again, give dinner crew a heads up when it needs to be ready, to make proper arrangements.)
  • 7:30 Night Game (Optional. See Night Game ideas.)
  • 9:00 Worship (See list of bands or use your church band. Remember your audience.)

2 Day Camp

Day 1

  • 6:00 PM Dinner (Give your dinner crew a heads up when dinner needs to be ready so they can make proper arrangements.)
  • 7:30 Night Game (Optional. See website for Night Game ideas.)
  • 9:00 Worship (See website for a list of bands or use your church band. Remember your audience.)

Day 2

  • 9:00 AM Morning Hustle (Hype time to get Kids excited about the day)
  • 10:00 Clinics (See our Clinics tab on the website for ideas. Each Clinic should last 30-45 minutes. Have Clinics already setup before play.)
  • 12:30 Lunch (Give your lunch crew a heads up when lunch needs to be ready so they can make proper arrangements.)
  • 2:00 Clinics
  • 5:00 Ranch Hand Training (Try to get a Wrangler to come in and help with this part.)
  • 6:00 Dinner (Again, give dinner crew a heads up when it needs to be ready, to make proper arrangements.)
  • 7:30 Night Game (Optional. See website for Night Game ideas.)
  • 9:00 Worship (See website for a list of bands or use your church band. Remember your audience.)

3 Day Camp Itinerary

Day 1

  • 6:00 PM Dinner (Give your dinner crew a heads up when dinner needs to be ready so they can make proper arrangements.)
  • 7:30 Night Game (Optional. See website for Night Game ideas.)
  • 9:00 Worship (See website for a list of bands or use your church band. Remember your audience.)

Day 2-3

  • 9:00 AM Morning Hustle (Hype time to get Kids excited about the day)
  • 10:00 Clinics (See our Clinics tab on the website for ideas, also, for a list of clinicians. Each Clinic should last 30-45 minutes. Have
  • Clinics already setup before play.)
  • 12:30 Lunch (Give your lunch crew a heads up when lunch needs to be ready so they can make proper arrangements.)
  • 2:00 Clinics
  • 5:00 Ranch Hand Training (Try to get a Wrangler to come in and help with this part.)
  • 6:00 Dinner (Again, give dinner crew a heads up when it needs to be ready, to make proper arrangements.)
  • 7:30 Night Game (Optional. See website for Night Game ideas.)
  • 9:00 Worship (See website for a list of bands or use your church band. Also, see website for list of speakers. Remember your audience.)

Camp Games

Arena Clinics

Raw Veggie Launch
Supplies Needed: 3 Person sling shot, raw veggies, buckets
Rules: Raw veggies will be launched into the air by 3-person slingshot and caught down range by team mate with bucket on their head to catch veggies. All teams fire at the same time until all veggies are used up. Any catch counts no matter which team shoots.

Fowl Fetching
Supplies Needed: Chicken, geese, guineas, and any other fowl
Rules: All players form circle in arena to keep birds from escaping. All birds turn loose in middle of circle and on a whistle one person from each team run in and catch fowl. Put birds in cage and new member run in to catch and pen and repeat until all fowl is caught. Both teams are circled up together, one player from each team in middle of circle at a time.

No Fowl
Supplies Needed: 10 birds and a pen.
Rules: All members lay on ground side by side. Shoulder to feet. On a whistle remove bird from pen and hand to first on ground who then passes to next and so on until the bird reaches last person who passes to end pen. Winner = all birds through. Every player must hold bird until next bird available.

Inner Tube Ramp Jump
Supplies Needed: Two inner tubes tied together with carpet or cardboard or inner side secured with duct tape, ramp
Rules: Two team’s side by side on back of flatbed pickup inside inner tubes. Roll down a ramp to the ground and onto small ramp with teammates laying side by side on the other side of small ramp sot they can be jumped over and onto teammates. Whoever rolls the farthest wins.

Sheep and Goat Sorting
Supplies Needed: 5 goats, two small round pens connected in middle with the common panel missing, forming a gap
Rules: Sort one of each alternating sheep and goat unit all are sorted. Mess up equals a no time.

Pony Joust
Supplies Needed: Pool noodles, ponies, giant cowboy hats
Rules: All players wear hat, hold noddle and ride pony. You’re out if your hat falls off – cannot use hands, you can only use the pool noodles.

Hula Stock
Supplies Needed: 5 -6 sheep, goats or beef calves loose in arena, hula hoops
Rules: Team has one hula hoop and must get as many calves thru hoop without stock laying on its side. Must always have control of hoop. Cannot use same calf twice. Team to get all stock through before time is up or the most stock through wins.

Versus Games

Broom Ball
Supplies Needed: Brooms, balls (yoga balls work the best but any kind will do)
Rules: The objective is to score the most points by knocking the ball into a goal. Divide your group into two teams. When your two teams are established give each player a broom. You must have two soccer like goals. The players will use the brooms to hit the ball and will try to score in the opponent’s goal. You can play for a time period or to a certain score.

Super Sack Race
Supplies Needed: Bulk feed sacks (super sacks)
Rules: The objective is to win a race. Take and split your group into teams depending on how many super sacks you have. The entire team will get in the super sack and race from a start to finish line. Note: you can not have too many people in one super sack, the more people in the sack the more teamwork needed and the wilder it gets.

Super Sack Dodge Ball
Supplies Needed: Bulk feed sacks (super sack), dodge balls
Rules: The objective is to hit the other players with dodge balls. Split your group into teams based on how many super sacks you have. Place your dodge balls in the center of the play area. With the players in the super sacks start the game. All players must remain in the super sacks until they are hit by a ball when they are hit they must exit the super sack and stand on the sidelines the game is over when there is only one team left. Note: you can not have to many people in one super sack the more people in the sack the more teamwork needed and the wilder it gets.

Ultimate Ball
Supplies Needed: Ball (any kind of ball will do yoga or soccer ball works best)
Rules: The objective is to score more points than the other team. Split your group into two teams. Set your play area up with an out of bounds and end zones like a football field. When your teams are established pick who will start the game with the ball. The starting team will start the game at their own goal line. At this time they will start throwing the ball to each other. Every time that the ball is thrown and caught the person that caught the ball is not allowed more than two steps until after they throw it. The team without the balls objective is to stop the other team from passing the ball into there end zone. A change of possession happens when someone scores, or intercept’s the ball, the ball is caught out of bound or the ball hits the ground. If the ball hits the ground the opposite team gets the ball where the ball hits the ground. You can play to a certain score or a certain time limit.

Water Balloon Nuke’m
Supplies Needed: Water balloons, net or rope (volley ball net works best)
Rules: The objective is to get the other team out. Split your group into two teams. When your group is split in half put them on opposite sides of the net. Pick a team to start the gameplay with a water balloon. The water balloon is then tossed across the net to the other team, the other team tries to catch the balloon without it popping. If the person trying to catch allows it to pop they are out and sits on the sidelines. If nobody attempts to catch the balloon and it hits the ground the closest player to where it hits the ground is out. If the balloon is caught without it popping that person throws it back across the net. The game is over when one team is completely eliminated.

Big Balls In Cowtown
Supplies Needed: Ropes, biggest ball you can find (72 inch cage ball works the best)
Rules: The objective is to tag everyone with the ball. Pick someone to be it. Next set your game field by setting out a rope or ropes in a complete circle. Everyone starts in the circle (more people means bigger circle). When the game starts the person who is it rolls the ball and tries to tag the other players. When the ball touches the player they are eliminated and must exit the circle. If a player steps out of the circle they are also eliminated. As players get eliminated you may have to adjust your lariat to make the circle smaller. The round is over when all players have been tagged.

Kart Race
Supplies Needed: Anything with wheels (old power wheels with the plastic gear removed works the best)
Rules: The objective is to win the race. Set up a course can be as wild or tame as you want. Split your group into teams of 2-4. Give each team a kart if you only have a select number of karts you can have more than one heat. Then let them race. Note: wheelbarrows and dollies also work well. Not all the karts have to be the same.

Sling Shot Tennis
Supplies Needed: 3 person slingshots, pitching wedges (golf clubs), baseball bat, tennis ball, buckets, and fishing net
Rules: The Objective is to catch more tennis balls than the other team. Split group into two teams. Once teams have been set, break each team into launchers and catchers. Launchers- launch ball into the air for other team to catch. Catchers- catch the balls that are launched. The team that catch’s the most balls in a given time wins. Note: If you have limited amount of tennis balls have the catchers throw them back to the launchers.

Extreme Inner Tube Game
Supplies Needed: Old tires/inner tubes (old bike inner tubes get torn up)
Rules: The objective is to gather as many inner tubes from the center as possible. Split group into four teams. Have teams together but spread away from all other teams. when you say go, have all teams rush to the center of the playing field and gather the inner tubes and try to return them to their starting position. Inner tubes may be stolen from other teams. Until they have made it back to their original starting positions. If there is a student attached to the inner tube you get extra point and that person is out of the game until the next round.

Stuck On You Dodge Ball
Supplies Needed: Dodge balls. Industrial Syrian wrap. Yarn
Rules: The objective is to play dodge ball. Split group into two teams. Now the fun begins (at this time begin attaching your students together with saran wrap). You don’t not have to attach everyone the same it can be like arm to arm back-to-back… Be creative. Then play dodge ball. If the person you are attached to gets hit that does not mean you are out. Game is over when every group on one team is out.

Water Front

Water Dodgeball
Supplies Needed: dodgeballs, water, tarp (optional)
Rules: Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge…on water! You get hit, you’re out. You catch a ball a member from your team can come back in and the person whose ball you caught is out. Last team with players still int he game wins. (standard dodgeball rules)

Bows and Arrows Game
Supplies Needed: Canoes/boat, Nerf bows and arrows, life jackets
Rules: Teams in boats fire at one another–when someone is hit by an arrow, they’re out and cannot shoot anymore. If a member of your team gets an opponent out, you can let someone from your team back in.

Team Canoe Race
Supplies Needed: Canoes/boat, life jackets, paddles, hula hoops (optional)
Rules: Divide group into two teams, one for each boat (additional dividing techniques could be boys vs. girls, adults vs. students, etc). Race to the finish! Required obstacles, such as hula hoops, may be added.

Water Kick Ball
Supplies Needed: beach ball, pools OR hula hoops for bases
Rules: If waist-deep water is an option, defensive players holding hula hoops make great bases. If not, kiddie pools full of water also make great bases. A pitcher rolls/throws the beach ball to the kicker. Regular rules of kick ball apply; beach ball and water make it more fun/challenging!

Slip & Slide
Supplies Needed: dish soap, tarp, water, floaties
Rules: No rules! Just set up your slip-n-slide down a hill, across an arena, in a field, or wherever your terrain allows and have fun!

Slip-n-Slide Tug O’ War
Supplies Needed: tarp, dish soap, rope, bandana
Rules: Tie bandana in the center of the length of the rope. Split group into two teams (can change teams up multiple times to make game more fun or last longer). Can also set this game up over a mud pit for losing team to fall into.

Slip-n-Slide Dragsteer
Supplies Needed: 2 tarps, dragsteer, dish soap, ropes
Rules: Line tarps up like team roping, on either side of dragsteer. Add soap and water and let’r rip!

Water Volleyball
Supplies Needed: beach ball or yoga ball, volleyball net, dish soap, tarps
Rules: Set large tarps up as volleyball court, add dish soap and water and build volleyball net in the middle. Games are played until a team hits 25 points and at least has a two point lead to win the set. You can do best 2 games out of 3, or best 3 games out of 5. The last set goes up to 15 points and a team must have a two point lead to win the set.

Blind Pillow Fight
Supplies Needed: tarp, bandanas, at least 2 water pillows (or something similar), dish soap
Rules: Set up slippery tarps with water and dish soap. Two at a time, blindfold opponents and set to pillow fight. Most hits with pillows in 60 seconds wins. Opponents must fight with pillows only. You cannot hit below the belt, hold, trip, kick, headbutt, wrestle, bite, spit on, or push your opponent.

Supporting Staff

Ranch Hand Training

This training manual will prepare your Ranch Hands with the John 8:36 message.

Cowboy Camp Devos

Volunteer Clinicians / Wranglers / Pastors

Check our updated list of volunteers ready to support you.

Video Sermons

Pastor Contacts

Texas Camp

Jason Taylor
(903) 658-4856

Jamie McClain
(940) 535-4070

Alabama Camp

Brandon Blasingame
(254) 292-0099

Paul Kirby
(256) 490-6772

Oklahoma Camp

Teen 1
Chase Pope
(903) 316-7578

Teen 2
Todd Hervey
(903) 276-0900

Nick Swinford
(903) 258-2980

Camp Graphics

Click Either Image to Download.
The White and Black Logo May Show as a Black Screen When Clicked Due to Its Transparent Background. Right Click the Black Screen, and Choose “Save As” to download.

virtual cowcamp logo
virtual cowcamp graphic

Worship Resources

Three Things to Consider when Preparing for Worship and Speakers

  1. Know Your Audience
    This is one thing a lot of people get wrong. It is great that there is
    certain music that you like, but you may want to ask yourself, will the crowd I am trying to minister too, appreciate and engage in this worship? We all worship differently, but remember this worship is geared for a younger generation.

  2. Be Prepared
    Look ahead and know how much time you have, do not attempt to just throw something together. If your church band is going to do the worship let them know ahead of time so they can practice. Also, give them a set list of age appropriate songs to choose from. There is no theology about this, do not let legalism stand-in the way of the gospel to the next generation. Bringing in a band is a great option for these reasons above.

  3. Just Because It Worked Then, Doesn’t Mean It Will Work Now
    The generations below us are ever changing, whether we like it or not. This means new generations require new strategies. We need to be careful when we are programming worship or anything with camp, we need to keep our focus on what is best for the people we are reaching.

Hiring a Worship Band

  • When hiring a Worship Band, most of them will not give you a number on what to pay them, this does NOT mean you don’t have to pay them.
  • On average most bands cost $1,000 a day plus room and board to operate. That means if they come in on a Friday and leave on a Saturday you should pay them $2,000.
  • I know this sounds expensive, but remember you get what you pay for. If you can not afford this much, or however much it would cost you, most bands will negotiate or tell you they can’t come. Please don’t use this a bargaining tool like a swap and shop. Remember they are working for the Kingdom and their time is valuable.
  • Be up front and honest with them and give them the top number of your budget for a band, assuming you have thought through your whole budget.
  • After you have a band hired, give them a detailed itinerary of your event and the specific times you expect them to be ready to play and the amount of time they will play each session. Also, be sure to allow plenty of time to set up, and time to practice. This means they get the whole room for that time.
  • Prepare a place for them to stay and arrange meals (the meals can be at the church during the event).

Using Your Church’s Band

  • If you choose to use your Church’s band, they deserve the same respect and attention to detail as you would give if you were hiring a band.
  • If you can, pay each band member day wages, for going above and beyond their time to help out. They may not accept, that’s ok, try anyways. We are called to be good stewards of all things.
  • Give them a detailed itinerary of your event and the specific times you expect them to be ready to play and the amount of time they will play each session. Also, be sure to allow plenty of time to set up, and time to practice. This means they get the whole room for that time.
  • This one is important. Remember your audience, ask them what worship music they like. Camps are for our younger generation not for us, so that means we don’t have to like the music for it to still honor God.
  • The truth is the students didn’t show up for the worship and that is fine, but this doesn’t give us an excuse for it to be bad.
  • If you need to, give your band a list of songs that would be suitable for your event.
  • Excellence and simplicity go hand and hand, simplicity is not an excuse not to be excellent.

Band Contact List

  • Daniel Doss
  • Riley Redding
  • Alvarado Road Show
  • Cross Fire
    (940) 631-8395 – Sammy Alaniz